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German Occupation
When Leo and his brother returned home to Bagnolet the German army had taken over Paris, which happened on June 14, 1940. The French and German government signed an Armistice Agreement on June 22, 1940, which Bergen illustrates as, "Under the terms…
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Later in life Gerda and her husband, Kurt, decided to move to Scottsdale which is located just outside of Phoenix, Arizona to be closer to their family. Gerda continued traveling throughout the country speaking at events, high schools, and televised…
The Invasion
Jack was classified as an observer for the invasion (Jack Nemerov, We Remember History Oral Interview). His duty was to observe the value of waterproofing and getting equipment through the water upon the shore. He was put in a command position,…
Journey Through The Holocaust
A project by Journey Through the HolocaustJourney Through the Holocaust traces individual lives, experiences, and unique stories of a Holocaust Survivors, Liberators, and Righteous Gentiles through a visual narrative. Each individual’s historic journey is developed through the use of academic research involving memoirs, oral testimonies, photographs, interviews and videos.The site is powered by Omeka + Curatescape, a humanities-centered website.
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