Building a Line
Atlanta, Georgia
Jack took the train to Atlanta, Georgia, and was then driven ten miles to the Chandler Warehouse building (Jack Nemerov, WWII Memoir). His immediate task was to build assembly lines in order to start rebuilding engines. Assembly lines had already been set-up with about 800 civilians working there (Jack Nemerov, WWII Memoir). As he inspected the assembly lines, he noticed a few mistakes within the engines being rebuilt here. He attributed the errors to the lack of structure within the line which led to a lack of flow throughout the production. It was important to have a routine procedure so that mistakes would not be overlooked. With this introspect, Jack immediately began his work to improve the line.
Jack was then ordered to Fort McPherson to select G.I. personnel coming into the service. Jack interviewed about 2,000 of them and selected 800 to report to Chandler Warehouse (Jack Nemerov, We Remember History Oral Interview). Before they left, he assembled his men and scrounged for materials that could be used to build the assembly line. They found and “borrowed” as many steel rollers as they could from Fort McPherson, took them out to Chandler Warehouse, and began to build their assembly lines (Jack Nemerov, We Remember History Oral Interview).
Once the lines were built, they began to rebuild engines which turned out to be highly successful. Jack continued his work within the warehouse for about five months.