Invasion of Normandy

South Hampton, England

Timuel was first deployed over to Scotland before being routed to South Hampton, England for what would become one of the biggest invasions in World War II. The plan was for the Western Allies to perform one of the largest amphibious invasions on the beaches of Normandy. There were several different supply companies and they needed to be strategically placed in order to help supply the combat soldiers on the beaches. For Tim the decision of life or death came down to a simple coin toss between commanding officers of the 306th and the 208th Quartermaster Railhead Companies. The 306th company lost the coin toss and were deployed first in Operation Overload, which began on June 6, 1944 and they suffered astronomical causalities. The 308th supply company that Tim was apart off was deployed to the Utah beaches several days later in the Invasion of Normandy.

